Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Brainstorm Plus: Intro to book spine poems

Bookish Stuff

In preparation to kick off Poetry Month in April, Travis Jonker is inviting teachers and students to create book spine poems. What is a book spine poem? Well, you stack books on top of each other and use their titles to create a unique piece of poetry. It's kind of like those poetry magnets, only using books. You can see samples from 2012 here. If you snap a picture of your book spine poem and send it to Mr Jonker, he'll put it on his website with other poems people send in and you can be in the 2013 gallery.

Teaching Resources, Tools, Ideas, Etc.

If you've ever graded papers (or written a paper), you know the most common mistakes in English. Is it their there or they're? Who or whom? A creative college professor told BookRiot how he came up with terms to help his students immediately identify which kind of common error they had committed. Check out his article Invented Words for Common Writing Mistakes. The beauty of this -- students know what kind of error they've written but using these terms instead of circling it will help them find and correct it on their own (the teacher doesn't have to mark in the correction). This will likely help them remember the correct format better the next time.

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