It is International Day at our school, a day to celebrate all the cultures and countries featured among our school body, and I thought it would be the perfect time to share some books that compare and contrast various things from everyday life in different countries and cultures around the world. Since I have a few more books than normal, I’m just going to share the nutshell and target readers for each book. To read my full review with a longer summary plus review and any content notes/trigger warnings, click on the titles.
Homes & Living Habits
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from around the World by Matt LaMothe
In a nutshell: Readers get to compare and contrast what school, meals, and free time are like for these kids from Japan, Peru, Iran, Russia, India, Italy, and Uganda.
Target Readers: Culture Studiers, Curious Readers, Nonfiction Fans, Picture Book Readers
If You Lived Here: Houses of the World by Giles Laroche
In a nutshell: A survey of 15 different homes from all over the world that feature a wide variety of styles and building materials.
Target Readers: Culture Studiers, Curious Readers, Architecture Fans, Nonfiction Fans, Random Fact Sponges, Form & Function Contemplators, Middle Grade Readers (though approachable to Lower Grade)
Adventures to School: Real-Life Journeys of Students from around the World by Baptiste Paul & Miranda Paul, ill. by Isabel Muñoz
In a nutshell: Shares real transportation methods children around the world use to get to school.
Target Readers: Transportation Story Fans, Curious Readers, Nonfiction Fans, Lower Grade Readers
Underground: Subway Systems around the World by Uijung Kim
In a nutshell: A survey of ten cities' subway systems with a page of infographics followed by a seek-and-find page that includes items unique to that location's people and culture.
Target Readers: Seek-and-Find Fans, Curious Readers, Random Fact Sponges, Math/Stats Fans/Studiers, Transportation Story Fans, Nonfiction Fans, Lower Grade Readers
Hello World!: Greetings in 42 Languages around the Globe by Manya Stojic
In a nutshell: A simple read featuring kids saying hello in 42 languages.
Target Readers: Curious Readers, World Travelers, Random Fact Sponges, Language Studiers, Nonfiction Fans, Picture Book Readers
What a Wonderful Word: A Collection of Untranslatable Words from Around the World by Nicola Edwards, ill. by Luisa Uribe
In a nutshell: An illustrated survey of words from around the world that convey thoughts that often just don't translate into one single word in any other language.
Target Readers: Word Collectors, Language Studiers, Random Fact Sponges, Art Lovers, Curious Readers, Middle Grade/Young Adult/Adult Readers
Ultimate Food Atlas by Nancy Castaldo & Christy Mihaly
In a nutshell: Travel around the world continent by continent (and Oceania) and learn 5 dishes from the region in each of the following categories: farming food, veggies/roots/shoots, fruits/nuts/peas, foodie festivals and feasts, great grains, livestock and more, dairy delights, and food from the water. Between each continent section is a page featuring 5 dishes of a food that is popular all over the world in different forms.
Target Readers: Culture Studiers, Food Production Studiers, Food Habit Studiers, Curious Readers, Foodies, Nonfiction Fans, Middle Grade/Young Adult Readers
Pancakes to Parathas: Breakfast around the World by Alice B. McGinty, ill. by Tomoko Suzuki
In a nutshell: A survey of what kids would typically eat for breakfast from 12 different cultures, in an order that follows the sunrise around the Earth.
Target Readers: Foodies, Curious Readers, Nonfiction Fans, Picture Book Readers
This is the Way We Eat Our Lunch by Edith Baer, ill. by Steve Bjorkman
In a nutshell: Take a tour around the world and see what kids are having for lunch.
Target Readers: Foodies, Curious Readers, Nonfiction Fans, Picture Book Readers
Delicious!: Poems Celebrating Street Food around the World by Julie Larios, ill. by Julie Paschkis
In a nutshell: A poetic tour around the world to sample street food from many nations and cultures.
Target Readers: Poetry Fans, Foodies, Curious Readers, Nonfiction Fans, Picture Book Readers
Noodles, Please! (A to Z Foods of the World) by Cheryl Yau Chepusova, ill. by Rebecca Hollingsworth
In a nutshell: Learn about different noodle dishes from all around the world A to Z.
Target Readers: Noodle Lovers, Foodies, Curious Readers, Nonfiction Fans, Board Book Fans, Picture Book Readers
Game on! (Kids around the World) by Maria Le, ill. by Clarice Elliott
In a nutshell: A tour of ball sports, board games, and playground/backyard games kids play all over the world and where they originated.
Target Readers: Game Fans, Sports Fans, Curious Readers, Leveled Reader Fans, Nonfiction Fans, Picture Book Readers
Birthdays around the World by Margriet Ruurs, ill. by Ashley Barron
In a nutshell: A survey of 15 different cultures around the world and how a child there would celebrate their birthday including any special traditions and foods.
Target Readers: Culture Studiers, Multicultural Classrooms, Curious Readers, Nonfiction Fans, Picture Book Readers
What Do You Celebrate?: Holidays and Festivals around the World by Whitney Stewart, ill. by Christiane Engel
In a nutshell: A look at cultural, religious, national, and seasonal celebrations from around the world with accompanying activity ideas.
Target Readers: Culture Studiers, Curious Readers, Random Fact Collectors, Nonfiction Fans, Lower Grade Readers
Every Month Is a New Year: Celebrations around the World by Marilyn Singer, ill. by Susan L. Roth
In a nutshell: A collection of poems that look at different New Year's celebrations around the world, arranged by the month of the year in which they most frequently occur.
Target Readers: Poetry Fans, Culture Studiers, Curious Readers, Random Fact Collectors, Nonfiction Fans, Middle Grade Readers (though approachable to Lower Grade)
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